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Center Rock Skid Steer

Drilling Accessories

Skid Steer Rock Drill Attachment

There is a skid steer on every jobsite, so put Center Rocks new skid steer rock drill attachment to work for you. The skid steer rock drill attachment connects easily and gives you the ability to use one of Center Rock’s LP drills. All you need is an air compressor and you’re drilling through rock…so go ahead and get attached!

Our utility LP drills are designed to be used on digger derrick trucks and other standard mountings for drilling utility pole holes. They are significantly lighter than competitive mono-hammer pole drills and also consume noticeability less air which results in enhanced penetration rates. The Utility LP is the perfect choice for utility pole hard rock sockets from 18”- 24” (457 – 610 mm). and that is how we make rock disappear!

Cutting through rock is what we do…better and faster than anyone! Instead of hours and hours, cut through rock in minutes with our Utility LP Drills.

  • Pin together hex connections
  • Meets low headroom demands
  • Lightweight construction
  • Low vibration
  • Low air requirements

Call Toll Free 888-267-9004 or complete the form below for more information.

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